Sometimes life goes crazy

Kami Kind

I haven’t written for a notable while and thought I’d share some more present-day insights with you all.

Most of my posts have been related to my life story and situations that have already passed.

Let’s forget the past for one day and talk about some real struggles.

Over the last month I have been overwhelmed, drained, at my whit’s end and tired. I decided to take a step back from my social media, my campaigns, dialed down the charity work and focused only on what’s needed within my businesses and my family.


About a month ago little Ezra started drinking 2-3 bottles, 1 after the other without feeling full. We went through the 7-day process of switching milk to see if that would make a difference, and it did. The difference was endless tummy issues that led to us going through the whole process another 2 times and eventually getting him on number 3 formula, instead of 2. Okay, happy tummy, happy baby, mom sorted.


But there’s more…

There has been a silly tummy virus making the rounds reaching Ezra, then Aryana, daddy, mommy and the Ezra and Aryana AGAIN! Kayden seems to be immune to anything making the rounds lately so thank goodness!

My 4 companies have been rebranding and merged onto 1 convenient website and system for all our Mommy clients! Exciting right?!

With these exciting changes comes a lot of work and the word “Go” means Do it NOW!

Successful rebrand, Check! Just for customs to delay a bunch of our items and our trucks being delayed by flooding…


Catching up, working on the next steps, trying to keep everyone happy and our team going.

Guess what? My little mini is sick again! Bronchitis this time. Unfortunately, she has a quite severe case of asthma which means we stay home until there is no sign of her squeaky chest anymore.

All things considered; life is busy. Which is a good thing. My team continues to do what needs to be done, the kids are doing well and we are well on our way to victory.


10 Coffees a day keep my sanity in place.


How are you Mama? Does it not feel like this year should end soon already?

2 thoughts on “Sometimes life goes crazy

  1. fouriesteffie says:

    Urgh! Things are just as hectic on our side and honestly most days I feel defeated. When it rains it pours.
    No choice, but to keep going. ??

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