Sometimes life goes crazy

Kami Kind

I haven’t written for a notable while and thought I’d share some more present-day insights with you all. Most of my posts have been related to my life story and situations that have already passed. Let’s forget the past for one day and talk about some real struggles. Over the last month I have been…

Starting Your Own Business – The Concept

Kami Kind

Starting your own business Do you have a dream to start your own business? Do you wonder how business owners got to where they are? Then this is for you. With a pandemic and hard lockdown hitting us, a lot of us have become unemployed and find it hard to acquire new employment. So, some…

Empowering Moms

Empowering Moms

Empowering Moms Often we find ourselves unconfident, unsure, shy and even longing for the bodies we had before becoming moms. We see these magazine perfect bodies and feel self-conscious about the fact that we do not look picture perfect.    * * * Mom, You made life, you carried and nurtured that little life and you…

Starting my own businesses

Starting my own businesses

Starting my own businesses Just like many other people, I started working after school while doing my part-time studies. I started working at a small marketing company in January 2015 doing daily admin. The one director was very kind and helpful and the other was completely rude, shouting, fighting, and emotionally draining without reason. After…

What I am all about

What I am all about

What I am all about As a mom of 3 beautiful little blessings, I understand some of the difficulties we as moms frequently experience. From discovering ourselves as moms, exploring different parenting styles, keeping the household going, having a little dip in our confidence and individualism, I have experienced it all.   Being a mom…

I am a 25 year old South-African woman, wife, business owner and Mama!

I am a 25 year old South-African woman, wife, business owner and Mama

I am a 25 year old South-African woman, wife, business owner and Mama! I am also an individual and personality. Before I tell you what I stand for, let me tell you my story. Where I come from. Born in September 1996 to a mother who was barely 15 years old, going into foster care…